Our news

Trust Tips Weekly Newsletter

I am going to publish a weekly email newsletter called “Trust Tips Weekly Newsletter” in which I will provide tips around team and organisation trust, as well as commentary on contemporary news items through a lens of Trust.

Use the form to join our “Trust Tips Weekly Newsletter” mailing list and receive our newsletter every week featuring new trust tips, special events, and highlights from the In Team We Trust blog.

We promise not to spam your inbox and you may unsubscribe at any time.



Диагностика доверия в организации (Trust Index)

Отличная новость! Мы закончили тестирование нового инструмента для диагностики организационного доверия – “Trust Index”.

Онлайн-курс «Инструменты доверия для Скрам-Команды». Второй поток

Запускаем в декабре второй поток онлайн-курса для Скрам-команды!