Understanding the Prelude Suite. Part I: DISC

Quick announcement about our new publication about the Prelude Suite. We are going to collect and publish additional material about the platform and its positioning in relation to other approaches to team development.

Prelude Suite™ is a trust accelerator

Adding Prelude Suite™ to the beginning of a project adds a few hours to your timelines, but will act as a catalyst towards developing trust. This ultimately leads towards significant increases in team performance.

There are 3 modules available within the Prelude Suite™ (Module 1: Tune-Up; Module 2: Practice; Module 3: Perform). Collectively, these modules move your team from a “Me” to “We” mindset.

Part of Understanding the Prelude Suite series:

  • Part I: DISC (you are reading it now)
  • Part II: Appreciative Inquiry
  • Part III: MBTI

Follow it to stay up to date!


The following examines two psychometric tools, DISC and the iStar Self-Assessment (Module 1: Tune-Up). Each focuses on a particular dimension of human nature. DISC assesses behaviour, which is contextual. iStar identifies character traits, which are innate. These tools are complementary. When used together, they provide a wider perspective to understand and support individual and team growth and success.


The purpose of the DISC model is to assess people’s behaviours; how we interact and communicate together within any environment and situation. This starts with understanding people have three selves:

  • Core / Private Self: This represents all learned behaviors of a lifetime.
  • Mirror / Self-Image: This drives behaviour.
  • Mask / Public Self: This is projected in daily life.

The DISC Model has a four-fold framework. Each letter represents one of 4 Behavioural Styles.

  • Dominance – People who are assertive, direct, forceful, strong-willed, controlling
  • Influence – People who are sociable, talkative and lively
  • Steadiness – People who are patient, persistent, gentle, accommodating, soft-hearted
  • Conscientiousness – People who are private, analytical, logical, prefer structure, stability


Special training is needed to translate what the letters mean in the context of any give individual’s work and personal life. The DISC model requires committed practice to derive benefit.


The purpose of the iStar Self-Assessment™ is two-fold. To foster individual self-awareness and to enable team members to collaborate better. Individuals identify what they like to do and what they feel they’re good at. The entire team is then able to see their overall strengths holistically. Consequently, the translation time from insight into actionable plans is near immediate for teammates. There’s also less need for a manager or educator to explain.

5 Basic Strengths™

Individuals are presented with 22 simple scenarios online. They choose from “most like” to “least like”. A personalized Digital iStar Badge and iStar Report is generated. This identifies 5 Basic Strengths: Acting, Planning, Feeling, Thinking, Imagining. Everyone has and uses these strengths in different combinations and degrees. They are all needed to accomplish anything as individuals and as teams.

iStar Badge™

Individual’s five basic strengths are featured around the arms of a star. This is read clockwise. Starting from 3:00, with the Keynote. This is an individual’s most visible strength. This continues round clockwise to the top of the star. This is left blank to represent imagination. Every person’s iStar Badge is unique to them. This is a fast, simple way for diverse individuals to picture themselves and their shared strengths holistically in a positive light.

iStar Story™

The iStar Self-Assessment features a creative component, unlike traditional assessments such as MBTI. Individuals share a “micro-story” how they use their different strengths and what their idea of excellence and core values are. By explicitly asking team members to illustrate and later share their iStar Stories what’s important to them, trust develops relatively quickly and easily. People safely learn things about each other that are explicitly actionable.

Team weStar™

The iStar Self-Assessment features a team analytics component, unlike traditional assessments such as MBTI. Every team’s weStar Table is unique to them. It is an overall visual representation of their shared basic strengths, from strongest to least developed. Team members almost instantly comprehend the overall picture and what it means to them practically. Each of these basic strengths can be converted into a task component of a project plan and aligned with the individual best suited. This is also the basis for the Team Alignment Plan™ (T.A.P.™), another application in the Prelude Suite™ along with the iStar.


There is a natural complementarity between the Prelude Suite and DISC. A well rounded individual understands their innate traits and strengths as well as how they behave. What the iStar uniquely adds is the strength of imagination and creative thinking. It allows space for the aspirational. Seeing ourselves whole allows us to better imagine the full use of our potential to achieve our goals individually and as a team. This can help explain why not everyone with a particular Keynote Strength behaves the same way in a given context. For example, a leader with High D may lack the empathy associated with Keynote Blue.

Do you want to try it?

Please e-mail us at info@inteamwetrust.com

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